Overcome Procrastination

Program Overview

It’s a myth that the good habit of self-discipline is all that’s needed to stop the bad habit of procrastination. The brain doesn’t work on a simple binary model like this. And the popular media promoting this myth just exacerbates the procrastinator’s shame spiral ... I'm so lazy. Why can't I get started? What's wrong with me?

It's time to break this vicious cycle and finally learn what psychologist's know is the real reason people procrastinate and how we can overcome it.

In the "Overcome Procrastination" wellness program we'll ...

  • Bust the most common procrastination myths with psychology research (hint: you’re not afraid of failure!).
  • Draw on personality psychology to unlock the unique reasons you procrastinate.
  • Explore the influence of parenting styles on the development of procrastination behaviour.
  • Unpack the components of self-esteem and perfectionism that create stumbling blocks to getting started.
  • Identify how procrastination permeates your life in different forms of avoidance and emotional uncertainty (not just when you have deadlines to meet).
  • Learn techniques from the evidence-based therapies psychologists use to help clients manage and overcome procrastination. 

Who is this for?

This program is for anyone who ...

  • Has trouble getting started on tasks and procrastinates to the very last minute.  
  • Jumps from activity to activity, excitedly starting but never finishing anything.  
  • Has “tried everything” to stop procrastinating and feels frustrated that nothing works.  
  • Knows they have a bigger life to live and give but can't break through their uncertainty and self-doubt.
  • Believes they need stress to perform at their best.
  • Appreciates the value of scientific research to broaden our understanding of ourselves and the world. 
  • Teaches, parents, or manages a procrastinator and is interested in better understanding the psychology of why people procrastinate and how to help them get started on tasks.


This is an experiential and interactive wellness program that can be adapted for any size group of adults. The "Overcome Procrastination" wellness program has been designed to, ideally, be delivered over 6 weekly 1.5hr sessions. Alternatively, it can be presented over 2 days or adapted for a half day workshop. 

Coping with Life Stress Instructor Image

Instructor, Trudy Murphy

Trudy Murphy is the Founder of Psychology Snacks and she's on a mission to share mental health research in an easily digestible and enjoyable format. With years of corporate experience as a change management consultant, Trudy has witnessed the toll life and work stressors can take on the mind and body. Trudy has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Psychology degree and is working towards registration as a psychologist. When she's not speaking or writing about mental health, you'll find her looking after her own on a kayak, boat or brunching with friends somewhere. 

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