Do you get easily frustrated? (Irrational Beliefs (4/4)

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  • Do you get easily frustrated? (Irrational Beliefs (4/4)

 Do you get easily frustrated?  “I can't stand it!” … when someone puts their blinker on and then slow drives along the side of the curb instead of coming to a complete stop, so you don't really know what they're doing!

“I can't stand it!” … is the catch phrase of a person who has low frustration tolerance.

When we talk in these exacerbated terms to small challenges during our day, it reduces our resilience levels so that when it comes to big challenges, we have less in the tank to deal with the actual challenges that require us to step up and have courage.

When you find yourself saying “I can't stand it!”, multiple times in your day … try shifting your inner dialogue to “I'd prefer this didn't happen”, or “I don't like it when this happens”. Try and build up your resilience to the small things that are challenging you during your day, so you have more tolerance in the tank when the big things happen.

Irrational Beliefs Series:

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