Do you think things are worse than they are?

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Do you tend to make situations out to be worse than they really are, like, somebody doesn't text you back and right away you think that they're mad at you. Or you have a fight with somebody and your go-to thought is that they're going to leave you.

This unhelpful style of thinking is called awfulizing. And the problem with awfulizing is that it tends to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. In that, you're so focused on what the worst possible outcome could be, you can't expand your thinking to understand how you can help create a different outcome.

The next time you start awfulizing, acknowledge yes, this situation is bad, but there are multiple outcomes from it. Start
with the worst-possible-case scenario and work your way back to the best case scenario.

If you are stuck in the emotion and anxiety of the event, ask a friend to help you play out the different scenarios. And make sure that you're open to listening.

Irrational Beliefs Series:

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