
Psychology Snacks

Psychology Snacks is a mission-based company founded by Trudy Murphy. She is dedicated to sharing science-backed mental health information to fuel your heart and mind. 

 Who is trudy?

And how does she know about this stuff?


I'm Trudy Murphy

I'm an avid sailor, traveller and believer in science!

I spent 20 years in the corporate world as a change management consultant helping employees adjust to change. As I advanced in my career I felt the need for a bigger toolbox of strategies to help my clients and employees succeed in the workplace. In 2019 I went back to university to study psychology.

When the pandemic hit in 2020 I was so grateful to have access to university resources and psychology professors to help navigate this new world. It became so clear to me how many barriers there are to accessing reliable and trustworthy mental health information and to seeking help from professionals.

Barriers to help

Everyone can benefit from learning skills like, coping with life stress, but most of us don't know we need it until the stress is upon us and we're falling apart. Then when we search for help there's so many barriers to accessing it.

  • Fear (what will I talk about?)
  • Wait Times (about 3 mths)
  • Cost and Health Insurance Limits
  • Popular Media That's Not Accurate


Core Values

When the world started shutting down in March 2020, I did too! I was living in a 500 sq. ft. apartment in downtown Toronto, which is a perfect situation when you're never home. But in a confined lockdown I came face-to-face with the side of myself I'd been running from for years. The high-functioning, ambitious hustler in me threw herself into full-time work and full-time study. You'd think that wouldn't leave much time for anything else, but the anxiety-riddled avoidant me tried to escape feeling scared of dying alone from Covid, by drinking wine every night.

After 3 weeks it was pretty clear that Covid was here to stay and so was lockdown. I put my foot down on myself, declared enough was enough, this was my moment to change ... behind locked doors ... away from temptations and accomplices. I opened every bottle of alcohol in my place, poured it down the sink and went cold turkey. That's when the real inner work began. I dug into my psychology degree researching evidence-based therapies and trying out mental health interventions on myself.

Trudy Murphy Toronto

My Tiny Toronto Apartment

Wine lesson
"Knowledge is powerful, but action creates inspiration" - Trudy Murphy @PsychologySnacks

Millions of people are sicker and sadder than they need to be. Just one small change can make a massive difference to the trajectory of your life and those close to you. You may not fully realize it at the time but the universe has a way of conspiring with your soul to get you where you're meant to be, when you're meant to be there. That's how I feel about my life today. That I'm on the path for serving others in a way that was always meant to be. 

You see I've been pursuing personal growth, understanding  and service for over a decade. From walking on fire at Tony Robbins events to inspiring women through my annual leadership conference called ViVaCious Leaders. The conference became a casualty of Covid but you can see below what women used to say about the day. It was inspo galore! There are pivotal moments in your life that define you and where you're going.

Who are you and what do you stand for?
Trudy Murphy

My Ethos ...

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Equality, Justice & Human rights
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Compassion & Understanding
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
authenticity, fun & laughter
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

What Women Said About the Vivacious Leaders Conference ...

Loved the self-reflecting time and all the great speeches and message. Initially I thought Stuart should have been the last speaker, but I loved how Trudy brought us on an inner journey at the end. I loved the experience. 


Thank you for an incredible day and for giving me the tools to find the strength to overcome doubt and insecurities. I look forward to returning next year. 


What a fabulous day! Every session left you feeling good, smiling and feeling confident in the path forward to success. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn and participate in "ViVaCious-ness" with other wonderful, successful women.

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