Developing Self-Confidence

Program Overview

Are you wishing somehow you had more … more joy, more fun, more self-confidence? Do you constantly think, tomorrow I’ll start exercising and eating right?  Do you push aside your dreams because they’re not practical?  And while these thoughts are constant, somehow you never take the leap, you resist making change and generally feel stuck.

So often we let other people dictate our level of confidence. Because no matter what you want to do, everyone you tell has an opinion about it, from whether you should do it at all, to why you shouldn't do it the way you want to. And the opinions that carry criticism and doubt are the ones we tend to listen to the most, they are the ones that hold us back.

In the "Buildng Self-Confidence"  wellness program you'll learn ...

  • The common issues that erode self-esteem and manifest self-doubt.
  • How to set healthy boundaries and what to say when they're challenged.
  • How to quiet your inner critic and listen to your inner mentor instead.
  • To develop and speak in a compassionate voice towards yourself.
  • To stop looking for approval and attention and start empowering yourself to act.

Who is this for?

This program is for anyone who feels they could use a confidence boost.


This is an experiential and interactive wellness program that can be adapted for any size group of adults. The "Building Self-Confidence" wellness program has been designed to, ideally, be delivered over 6 weekly 1.5hr sessions. Alternatively, it can be presented over 2 days or adapted for a half day workshop. 

Coping with Life Stress Instructor Image

Instructor, Trudy Murphy

Trudy Murphy is the Founder of Psychology Snacks and she's on a mission to share mental health research in an easily digestible and enjoyable format. With years of corporate experience as a change management consultant, Trudy has witnessed the toll life and work stressors can take on the mind and body. Trudy has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Psychology degree and is working towards registration as a psychologist. When she's not speaking or writing about mental health, you'll find her looking after her own on a kayak, boat or brunching with friends somewhere. 

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